

Dorothy Bennett, MA ED Curriculum & Instruction:  EFSAP® Curriculum Development

Dorothy  is passionate about teaching children and students how to learn. She has training in several programs and holds a Master's in Education specializing in Curriculum Design and Instruction. For the past 15 years Dorothy has specialized in specific program design for children and adults who are missing learning skills. Dorothy is both co-developer and co-trainer for the EFSAP® program. She trains parents, tutors, teachers, and faculty members in MES designed programs, and provides testing services for individuals and school districts. The EFSAP® curriculum was co-written from her extensive knowledge and experience working with a broad range of young clients. See her extensive training here.

"Learning is a set of skills and behaviors. Both can be taught.  Every child should have the time to develop their memory system, their understanding of the symbolic world, and the skills for paying attention, listening, concentrating, and following directions before being required to pass information-symbol based exams."

Renie Smith,  Founder 

Renie is CEO and founder of Meadowbrook Educational Services, Inc. She has worked with underachieving children and adults for over 30 years in USA, Singapore, India, Bahamas, Malaysia, and South Africa. She has been a presenter on "Learning Disabilities and "The Importance of Foundational Skills" at IDEAS and OPAEYC Conferences. She is a Master Trainer Specialist in Foundational Skills and has taught throughout the USA, Singapore, and UK; she has volunteered time at schools, summer reading, writing, and math Camps and received Volunteer Parent of the Year award as well as Nomination for Golden Good Neighbors Award.

"Each day that a child learns nothing new is a wasted day. Teach children the joy of discovery, the joy of creating, the joy of connecting, everyday."  
