Learning Foundations Ahead
Become an EFSAP® Certified Tutor
Join a growing number of parents, tutors, and nannies providing foundational learning skills to children outside their own families.
Children who know how to learn academic information, who know how to listen & remember, become lifelong learners.
Have fun teaching children how to learn and remember information preparing them for traditional school.
Learning is a set of Skills
Most children naturally learn in our natural environment. They play, run, skip, and socialize in a world of physical shapes and concrete objects.
What is not natural is most adults assumption that children will naturally learn to read and write. Thinking and reasoning about physical problems is very different from thinking about letters and numbers. The EFSAP® family of products is the only curriculum that teaches you how to teach the difference between natural learning in the physical world and learning in the symbolic world.
As and EFSAP Certified Tutor you can provide services to families helping parents implement the program at home, or providing tutoring services for 1-3 children.
Online Training
Fill out the request below to start the information and registration process.
EFSAP Tutor Training Workshops are held in the summer months. Fill out the request below.